Dear Idiots,
Why do so many people want to kill babies and harvest their parts?
I read a post over at Boing Boing pointing to an article concerning a new treatment for type 1 diabetes using stem cells. I admit that I might be reading too much into the post (the editor who posted it made no comment at all), but knowing the political slant of the Boing Boing editors, I am assuming that they chose to link to the article because they support stem cell research... the embryonic kind. After all, I see no mention in the post that ADULT stem cells were used in the treatment. In fact, the stem cells came directly from the patients themselves:
"In a breakthrough trial, 15 young patients with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes were given drugs to suppress their immune systems followed by transfusions of stem cells drawn from their own blood."
And yet despite the fact that it's mentioned clearly in the article, the article itself harps on about stem cell controversy. The only controversy is over embryonic stem cells, which weren't used in this treatment. I have yet to read about about a successful treatment using embryonic stem cells, while adult stem cells are used in well over 80 treatments today.
From the article:
"But research using the most versatile kind of stem cells — those acquired from human embryos — is currently opposed by powerful critics, including President Bush."
Wow, that doesn't sound biased at all. In an article showing that adult stem cells saved the day, they still complain about the supposedly "most versatile" stem cells not being utilized thanks to those darn Americans.
There is no excuse (save for ignorance) for so many people to be for embryonic stem cell research. Anyone who has studied this subject should know that embryonic stem cells seem to be a dead end. I don't understand why people want to kill babies so much. Seriously, if it wasn't for abortion, there would be no such thing as embryonic stem cell research (or at least there wouldn't be any controversy about it). It's been shown time and again that all stem cells are better than embryonic ones. All embryonic stem cells are good for is "potential", while adult stem cells are actually used for treatments. I've heard people say that embryonic stem cells haven't reached their potential because research is banned. Bullshit. It's not banned worldwide, and they do still have embryonic stem cells to research in the US. They don't need a fresh load of dead babies delivered daily to do the research.
Let me make this perfectly clear... even if embryonic stem cells were a miracle cure-all, I would still be against them. It is not right to murder children in order to cure other people. Luckily, however, embryonic stem cells just don't seem to work that well, and I thank God for that.